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The Philosophers' House is a monument of traditional wooden construction in Ķīpsala. It is a small wooden post structure with an expressive mantel chimney in one corner.
The oldest historical information about the house can be found in the plans of 1824, where this place is already marked with a volume. The current building was built in 1903 as a wooden residential house. It may have housed a fish drying house and a market. In recent years, before being abandoned, the building was used for living. Before the renovation, the building was half-collapsed, only the mantel chimney stood stable and almost intact.
Traditional construction methods and finishing materials have been used in the renovated building: for the facade - wood tar, flour and linseed oil paints prepared according to ancient recipes, for the interior decoration - lime mortar plaster, glue paint, beeswax for waxing the floor.
The building is named – PHILOSOPHERS' HOUSE, thus expressing the idea for its use and atmosphere.
The Philosophers' House is intended as a meeting place for disputations, a creative workshop and a place of residence for thinkers.
Building reconstruction
Riga, Kipsala, Balasta dambis 68a
Architects: Zaiga Gaile, Liene Griezite, Girts Kalinkevičs, Ingmars Atavs
Client: Maris Gailis
Construction company: SIA "Tradima"
Building area 72 m2, total building area 53.7 m2
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