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The wooden residential house at Balasta dambī 64 was built in 1890. The building is a model of a typical Ķīpsala small suburban apartment house of the late 19th century in terms of craftsmanship and construction. In the immediate vicinity, you can find several other buildings of the same size and very similar to it, both on Balasta dambī, Ogļu Street, and Enkuru Street. The small but well-proportioned house is located on the bank of the Daugava River on the side of Balasta dambī Street, a few meters from the red line. The building is intended for the needs of one young family, and the reconstruction project preserves the existing three-part structure and division of rooms. The original board cladding, facade details, and plinth masonry have been restored to the building. The building is painted in two original shades with flour paints and natural pigment. The interior image is a light, soft house for a young family. The house is full of light, as there are windows on all facades. The main living room has a complete panoramic view if you stand in the center of the room, and behind it are double glazed doors: the view of the river is captured by a row of five windows along the entire facade, the windows at the northern end reveal a view of the neighbor's garden, at the other end a view of the other neighbor's garden. An underground garage has been built under the building.

Residential house reconstruction
Riga, Kipsala, Balasta dambis 64

Architects: Zaiga Gaile, Iveta Cibule, Ingmars Atavs
Participants: Girts Kalinkevičs, Liene Griezite, Agris Marnics, Agnese Sirmā
Client: private

Total usable area 292.3 m2, building area 270.1 m2, plot area 1506 m2

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